Book a Room

Reserve the shared spaces of The Belmont Club

Reserve a club room online!

The Belmont Club uses the Skedda Booking Platform to manage online reservations.

With Skedda you can ensure that spaces are booked fairly, that privacy and accountability are upheld for each owner, and that double-bookings never happen!

Getting Started

How Do I Book a Room Online?

Step 1: Login to our booking system

Before you can reserve a room at The Belmont Club, you’ll first be required to register for an account. This account will be used to:

  • Preview room calendars & available time slots
  • Create new room reservations
  • Manage existing room reservations
  • Update payment profiles

Step 2: Start a new booking

After signing in, you can begin your reservation by clicking on the green button in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will activate a registration form, and allow you to:

  • Input the date & time of your new booking
  • Select the room you want to book
  • Give your new room booking a title
  • Describe your booking
  • Secure your booking with a credit card

Step 3: Manage Your Account

All bookings & personal details (including saved credit cards) can be managed through the Skedda profile page.

The backend enables you to self-service create and cancel bookings while respecting the rules and policies of The Belmont Club.

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